Are Jobs Only on Job Boards?
I have to wonder if most job seekers believe that all job listings are only online—or at least, are only on job boards. On a weekly basis I hear from job seekers who are searching for jobs only on Monster, CareerBuilder, or some other big name job board—and they’re wondering why it’s taking them so long to find a job. Well, I’m here to tell you … if you hold the belief that Monster, CareerBuilder, and Insert Name of Job Board You Are Using is the only place to find a job, you are wrong.
While it may seem as though all the jobs are only on the job boards, this isn’t the case. And if you’re searching only on job boards (no offense to the job boards—because they can be a great resource—I’m not trying to knock anyone), then you’re missing out … on a lot of opportunities. It’s very important when you’re in a job search, that you diversify your search to get the best results. Applying to positions on job boards is a numbers game … and the odds aren’t in your favor … simply because you’re competing against a lot more people. Here are some alternative places where you can be investing your time searching for a job:
LinkedIn – Join job search groups, professional groups, and make connections with recruiters who make placements in your area of expertise. Networking online is a great way to find out about opportunities that never make it to the job boards. It’s also a way to be discovered.
Facebook – ‘Like’ companies that you want to work for, and search their pages often for openings. Many companies will list open positions on Facebook that you’ll never hear about anywhere else.
Twitter – Oh yes, you can find a job on Twitter. Use hash tags to find open jobs, find and follow recruiters, hiring managers, companies you want to work for, and career professionals. You never know when it might give you a great lead.
In-Person Networking Events – Toastmasters, local association meetings, professional group meetings. Get connected with other people face-to-face. Hand out copies of your resume, networking cards, and have your elevator speech ready when it’s your 30 seconds to shine. You never know who might help you out.
Hand-addressed Mail … What?!
Hand-addressed … WHAT?!
Yep, I said it. Send your resume and cover letter on professional paper stock (Resume paper, people! Get some!) in an envelope … with the name and address of the person to whom you are sending it—and be sure that it’s hand-written. Problem with using fancy labels and printing directly onto the envelope … while this does look nice … it nevertheless looks like junk mail. And frankly, it will probably get tossed rather than opened. However, who doesn’t want to open a hand-addressed envelope to see what’s inside? Curiosity will get them every time. Target companies within a certain radius of your house (however far you’re willing to commute), and send them copies of your resume and cover letter. They may have a great opening you’re perfect for—but they haven’t advertised it, and you would never know it’s available.
There are many other ways to find a job these days, and these are just a few ideas to get you started. The important thing is to remember to diversify your search and not spend all day on job boards. Yes, there are jobs there—and I’m not knocking the job boards by any means—but I am encouraging you to broaden your horizons.
Once you do get that interview, you’ll want to check out my article on 5 Things Every Prospective Employer Wants to Hear. It will help guide you to a great interview and help you to position yourself as a great hire!
In the meantime, connect with me on Facebook and Twitter for more great job search advice!
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About the author
Jessica Hernandez, President, CEO & Founder of Great Resumes Fast
Hi, I’m Jessica. I started this company back in 2008 after more than a decade directing hiring practices at Fortune 500 companies.
What started as a side hustle (before that was even a word!) helping friends of friends with their resumes has now grown into a company that serves hundreds of happy clients a year. But the personal touch? I’ve kept that.
You might have seen me featured as a resume expert in publications like Forbes, Fast Company, and Fortune. And in 2020, I was honored to be named as a LinkedIn Top Voice of the year!
I’m so glad you’re here, and I can’t wait to help you find your next perfect-fit position!
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Too many job seekers only look to job boards for opportunities. They often forget the resources organizations are pumping into social networking opportunities and the information found through these venues and not through online job boards.
I love your comments and continue to enjoy your contribution to our profession. Thank you!
Another tip is to use your resources in tandem. When you see something on a job board, then use your networks to find connections into those companies to get your resume and cover letter in front of the hiring manager. You have to be out there making connections through networking groups, clubs, friends, in order to have connections to those people. There’s something to be said for a friend knows a friend knows a friend to get to the right people!
Job Searching on social networking sites like LinkedIn, twitter and facebook is the latest trend and definitely gives a better result. You made great good points here. Thanks for the information.
I totally love this article!! Another useful way to find job openings is doing a local search to find companies near you. Go to their website and look for openings. I use the job boards to find companies I usually apply on the job board then go to the company website and apply, then go to LinkedIn to find recruiters and hiring managers for that company. It’s a lot of work but you see more results to finding out if you are a candidate. Great Article!
I am the owner of a job board myself, and I definitely want to inspire people to meet face to face! The board should be used to get an idea of what’s out there, more like advertising, and I advise using them to find and discover companies you have never heard of as well.