Bethany Camasura



Meet Bethany Camasura, a 2X Influence Digest Top Coach in Phoenix, AZ, with an extensive track record of taking clients to the next level. Bethany’s journey has been marked by ongoing professional development and continuing education that taught her the art of executing proven-strategies to shift her client’s goals into realities. Bethany currently serves as a Career Strategist and Owner for her company, Pivot Management Group, and an Executive Resume Writer and Lead Group Career Coach for Great Resumes Fast.

During her early career, Bethany climbed the corporate ladder, achieving a Director-level position, stake in a company, and a 6-figure salary by her early twenties; however, there was always something missing. Finally yielding to the voice in her head compelling her to help others achieve great things in their career, Bethany took a leap of faith and started her own career coaching and resume-writing business at the end of 2021. Within two years, Bethany helped 140 clients overcome career obstacles, create clarity around their professional paths, and land roles at their dream companies.

Enjoying and learning from every second of her coaching and writing journey, Bethany challenged herself to reach a wider audience of global mid to C-suite level professionals after joining the team at Great Resumes Fast in 2022. Obtaining her MSOL, HRM (Master of Science in Organizational Leadership with a focus in HR Management) degree in 2020, and her CPRW (Certified Professional Resume Writing) credential in 2023, Bethany prides herself on staying up to date with her education and being an active voice in the community. This is backed by being featured and published in 5 industry-specific articles in 2023 alone, from Interview Focus to

Bethany calls the beautiful state of Arizona home, and loves spending time in the desert hiking, exploring, and going off-roading with her husband. Bethany also enjoys crafting, playing pickleball, and cooking as hobbies. Originally from North Carolina, Bethany enjoys a large family in both states with 3 siblings, 8 siblings-in-law, 4 step-siblings, and 5 nieces/nephews.

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