Brand-driven vs. Bland-driven Resumes – The difference could cost you the job!

Great Resumes Fast » Resume Writing Tips » Brand-driven vs. Bland-driven Resumes – The difference could cost you the job!

I’ve been thinking lately about just how critical it is for job seekers to utilize a crystal clear brand-driven resume.  It’s so vitally important in a tight job market to employ every strategy possible to grab the hiring manager’s attention and communicate exactly what you offer as an employee.  This is why a bland-driven resume will never work.  Let me give you an example of a bland-driven resume:


Objective: To obtain a position that utilizes my education and experience to grow and advance.

Career summary: non-existent.

Keywords: Usually soft skills like excellent communicator, great verbal skills, team player.

What does the above tell me about this candidate and how he will meet the needs of the organization to which he is applying?  It tells me nothing specifically, and frankly, will leave the hiring manager wondering what it is you want to do and how you will fit the employer’s need—if he even bothers to wonder that much after having waded through such a lackluster opening.


To gain the attention—and keep the attention—of hiring authorities, you need to offer them a knockout opening with a powerful, precise, and polished branding statement that clearly articulates the unique value you offer their organization.

1.  Top load the resume with pivotal strengths, critical contributions, and an uncompromising branding statement.
2.  Make a clear statement about exactly what you can offer the employer if you are chosen.  This statement is crucial and should leave no doubt in the hiring manager’s mind about whether to pick up the phone and call you.
3.  A remarkable resume is unlike any other; it showcases your best attributes and is a platform for communicating your promise of value.

See a personal branding statement example below:


Forward-focused, visionary VP of Sales passionate about being the driving force behind exceeding bottom-line profitability.  Consistently delivers lucrative financial gains surpassing annual sales goals by 200%.  Inspires employees to peak performance with down-to-earth sense of humor and lead-by-example management style.

Compare and contrast JOE JOBSEEKER with JOBSEEKER JOE.  This second branding statement paints a clear picture about the position the job seeker wants, the results he delivers, his management style, and the value and strengths he brings to the table.

What I want you to see is that the hiring manager isn’t going to go searching for your personal brand.  He’s not going to take the time to research what you don’t spell out for him on your resume.  Do yourself a favor and incorporate a personal branding statement into your resume.  But don’t stop there; brand your entire resume.  And once you’ve tackled that, move on to branding the rest of your job search.  If you’re online, you have an identity; and 90% of employers are researching to find out what it is. Make sure you’re using LinkedIn, Twitter, a professional blog, Web resume, and even an online resume video or VisualCV.  Everything pertaining to your job search should have one voice—YOURS.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the whole branding scenario or you’re just not sure what your brand is, how to figure it out, or how to incorporate it into your resume, get more information here.  Great Resumes Fast guarantees your job search success and can help you build your personal brand and incorporate it into your job search today.

Jessica Hernandez is a global resume authority and job search expert.  As a former hiring manager for global Fortune 500 companies, she has worked extensively with job seekers at all levels to transform their job searches into interviews and ultimately job offers.  Jessica is also the resume expert for JobTalkAmerica, featuring her expertise and resume advice during their weekly radio program called Resume Makeover.


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About the author

Jessica Hernandez, President, CEO & Founder of Great Resumes Fast

Hi, I’m Jessica. I started this company back in 2008 after more than a decade directing hiring practices at Fortune 500 companies.

What started as a side hustle (before that was even a word!) helping friends of friends with their resumes has now grown into a company that serves hundreds of happy clients a year. But the personal touch? I’ve kept that.

You might have seen me featured as a resume expert in publications like Forbes, Fast Company, and Fortune. And in 2020, I was honored to be named as a LinkedIn Top Voice of the year!

I’m so glad you’re here, and I can’t wait to help you find your next perfect-fit position!

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